Its important to manage finances in these uncertain economic times for which finance calculators are supremely useful! Now a days, there are so many options for loans, mutual funds, SIPs. Increasingly one crucial task for all Indian banking users is to compare available options. There is no point to pay more or lose more money when a better option is available.
Keeping this situation in mind, we developed Indian market focussed multiple calculators. They can help you make decisions or manage finances better. Our calculators is focussed on popular topics like Home Loan, Car Loan, SIP and so on. We have attempted to align all needs like currency format, decimals to Indian metric system.
Hope you enjoy using our easy to use calculators and please share your feedback on the same.
Some useful finance calculators
EMI Calculator
Car Loan EMI Calculator
BMI Calculator
Age Calculator
Disclaimer: The information on is for informational purposes only. There might be minor difference in EMI/ Calculated amounts due to rounding of numbers. These numbers are directional.