If you engage in regular currency transfers between Singapore Dollars (SGD) and Indian Rupees (INR), you’ll appreciate the convenience of our SGD to INR currency converter. Our primary goal was to simplify the process of converting foreign currency into INR and vice versa with just a few clicks. We also have some pre-computed conversions for commonly used amounts.
Symbols and 3 Letter code: SGD to INR
- Singapore Dollar: S$ (SGD)
- Indian Rupee: ? (INR)
Convert SGD to INR
Select Currency and enter the Amount to convert
Across geographies, the approach to using comma and decimal varies. Here is a quick guide to know more about it. To simplify we have used Indian approach for currency format when its INR and US approach when its any other currency. But lets us know your suggestions on what works for you.
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Disclaimer: Information on gyaankashti.com is for reference only. Amounts may differ slightly due to rounding, and currency conversion rates vary by source. Please report any calculation errors in the comments. Credits: flag icons from flagpedia.net, currency data from Exchange Rate API. If a flag is incorrectly tagged to a country, let us know for correction.