If you travel to some foreign countries, you will notice that the temperature is often indicated in Fahrenheit (°F). In India, we are accustomed to knowing temperature in Celsius (°C) so it gets confusing. Reading weather for the day or adjusting thermostats in °F becomes tricky. We hope our Celsius converter helps you solve this challenge easily.
Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
Temperature Conversion Values:
Conversion Formulas
Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion formula
(<Temperature> °F ? 32) × 5/9 = <Temperature> °C
Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula
(<Temperature> °C × 9/5) + 32 = <Temperature> °F
Useful Conversion factors
Unit | Equals to |
100 °C | 212 °F |
100 °F | 37.8 °C |
Pre-calculated Conversions
From Celsius
Celsius | Fahrenheit |
40 °C | 104 °F |
39 °C | 102.2 °F |
38.3 °C | 100.9 °F |
37.9 °C | 100.2 °F |
36.4 °C | 97.5 °F |
26 °C | 78.8 °F |
From Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit | Celsius |
400 °F | 204.4 °C |
350 °F | 176.7 °C |
80 °F | 26.7 °C |
75 °F | 23.9 °C |
70 °F | 21.1 °C |
68 °F | 20 °C |
We have compiled this information from the internet just for fun!
Topic | Equals to |
Volcano Lava Temperature | 700 °C to 1200 °C |
Mount Everest Peak Temperature | -60 °C |
Moon Temperature (Night time) | -130 °C |
Gold Melting Point Temperature | 1064 °C |
Other useful links
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Disclaimer: Information on gyaankashti.com is for reference only. Numbers may differ slightly due to rounding. Please report any calculation errors in the comments.