In our day to day there are many instances when we need to make calculations for which custom calculators are the best. Some people might be blessed with a great mathematical mindset but majority like me won’t find it easy to get to the numbers and ratios that might provide the information that is required.
Our attempt is to provide calculators for some common info needs for users in India. We plan to make your life easier by calculating some important numbers and ratios. Idea is to provide them to you at your finger tips! In case theres anything that we miss then feel free to let us know.
We have developed calculators for finance, health information (like BMI) and even to convert foreign currencies.
And we hope that our work helps you save some time. By the way, would you like
Some useful calculators
Centimetre converter
Metre converter
Kilometre converter
Miles converter
Celsius converter
Disclaimer: The information on is for informational purposes only. There might be minor difference in numbers due to rounding of numbers.